Primary School Subjects
Easter traditions and customs around the world, 2017
About the project
The project will be carried out for 6 weeks:
1st week: creating your Avatar
2nd week :Power Point presentation : Easter customs in your country.
3rd week: the creation of Easter greeting cards
4th week: the creation of Easter egg, decorations, colorful images of Easter
5th week: the creation of Easter bunnies
6th week: expected results and summary of the project
Objectives of the project – eTwinning
-learning about Easter traditions and customs in the world
-skills group work: creating an Easter egg with paint, sticker, colored pens
- raise awareness of other countries
- improving practical English skills
-increased motivation for learning, practical use of computer skills and the ability to establish friendships with peers from other countries .
The project will be carried out for 6 weeks:
1st week: creating your Avatar
2nd week :Power Point presentation : Easter customs in your country.
3rd week: the creation of Easter greeting cards
4th week: the creation of Easter egg, decorations, colorful images of Easter
5th week: the creation of Easter bunnies
6th week: expected results and summary of the project
The final product is a documentation project on the Internet.
We will make Easter cards that we send to other countries. I think we will be pleased to work with children in other European countries. We will know the customs and traditions and we will work together for a common Europe and a happy future.
The project will improve school students' skills such as cooperation and teamwork.
Develop social awareness of students. Students achieve a significant increase in the key competences.
Project members (12)
Design and Technology, Informatics / ICT, Mathematics / Geometry, Natural Sciences, Physics, Technology
Ana Novikiene
Stepono Dariaus ir Stasio Girėno gimnazija, Kaunas Lithuania
Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, European Studies, Foreign Languages, History of Culture, Language and Literature, Social Studies / Sociology
Anna Maria Colafelice (Founder)
Art, Drama, Primary School Subjects
Barbara Roeder
Art, Drama, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Media Education, Music, Special Needs Education
Dražana Ćudina
Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Education, Natural Sciences
Psychology, Social Studies / Sociology
Pre-school Subjects
Khatuna Asanidze
Monika Woźniak (Founder)
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 w Będzinie, Będzin Poland
Foreign languages
Tonka Panayotova
Foreign Languages, Primary School Subjects, Technology
Tuire Kokko
Foreign Languages, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects