Continue the story/Продължи историята
It addresses to such an issue: we all love dreaming and inventing stories, especially our students. Why not to give them an opportunity to invent a story together? An invented by the students character will travel from country to country and have different adventures there which he students will invent for it.
We integrate this issue focusing on DISCOVERING, DEVELOPING and ENCOURAGING our students’ writing talents, imagination and creative activities.
Проектът енасочен към такъв проблем: ние всички обичаме да мечтаем и съчиняваме истории, особено нашите ученици. Защо да не им дадем възможност да съчинят заедно история? Измислен от учениците герой ще пътешества от страна в страна и ще има различни приключения, измислени от учениците.
Ние интегрираме този проблем, акцентирайки върху откриването, развитието и окуражаването на ученическия талант за писане, въображението и творчеството.
Art, Drama, Geography, Media Education, History, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature/Изкуства, Драма, География, Медии, История, Чужди езици, Български език и литература, История на културата
e-mail, Chat, Twinspace , Video conference, Forum, Project Diary, Other software (Powerpoint,video,pictures and drawings), Web publishing/ имейл, Чат, Twinspace, Видео конференция, Форум, Дневник на проекта, Друг софтуер (Powerpoint, видео, снимки и рисунки), Уеб публикуване
Within the scope of this project we aim to:
* provide the motivation of students for developing their writing abilities.
* involve the students into creative processes.
* involve the students into cooperation.
* provide the students with possibilities to express themselves as story tellers.
The stages of the project:
Stage 1: to provide the presentations of the countries-participants (1 month);
Stage 2: to invent the hero of the story who will travel from one county-participant to another and have adventures there that the students will invent for him as well (2 months);
Stage 3: to get all the parts of the story together and create the final product in the shape of video presentations and one common cartoon version. The character will start his or her journey in one point and finish it in the same point. (2 months).
In the end, a video with a story of the invented character's adventures will be created and the story will be published on the internet. The students will develop their communicative and language skills.
Накрая ще бъде създадено и публикувано в интернет видео с приключенията на въведения герой. Учениците ще развият своите комуникативни и чуждоезикови умения.
![]() Bojana Manic
Subjects: Art, Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Drama, Environmental Education, European Studies, Foreign Languages, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Music, Special Needs Education Languages: BG - EN - HR |
Giovanna Succio
Subjects: Cross Curricular, Foreign Languages, Geography, Informatics / ICT, Media Education Languages: DE - EN - FR - IT |
![]() Maia Seliatina
Subjects: Foreign Languages, Language and Literature Languages: EN - FR |
![]() Nino Chanturidze
Subjects: Languages: |
![]() Semra Kanra
Subjects: Environmental Education, Language and Literature Languages: EN |
![]() Tonka Panayotova
Subjects: Foreign Languages, Primary School Subjects, Technology Languages: BG - EN - RU |
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